
The main purpose of my business is to be able to supply new apiarists with quality bees, equipment, and knowledge to begin their own hives. I believe my work can be split up into thirds: pollination, propagation, and production. I provide pollination services to farmers in the area while at the same time building up the health and numbers of my bees to sell them. From the bees I create many products like honey and beeswax from which I make things such as lip balm, lotion, or candles. My products are sold to certain vendors in the area and in some surrounding states. Along with selling my products and bees I give many lectures to a variety of audiences, from university classes to garden clubs, relaying information relevant to the skill and knowledge of the people I speak to. My next step would be to write articles for beekeeping magazines as a way to reach more people. I would also like to connect with more farmers in order to provide pollination services to them.
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Value Proposition
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Business Case |