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Business Case Information

Value Proposition

<p>1. Currently selling fresh produce to local community. &nbsp;</p><p>This benefits them by increasing access to fresh produce that is not treated with harmful chemicals. This helps to maintain and improve the health of the community.</p><p>This also helps the community as a whole by keeping local dollars in the local economy.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>2. Planning on increasing production to supply local schools with fresh produce.</p><p>This will help children in the community to experience fresh produce instead of produce that has been treated with chemicals and picked before peak ripeness.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>3. Expanding into value added products over next 4-5 years.</p><p>By expanding in to jams and other value added goods, we will increase the benefits stated in #1.</p>


<p>Clearing land and building the soil is the most labor intensive work. My husband and I do that, with occasions help from family.&nbsp;Daily operations and record keeping are handled by both of us. We spend about 70 man-hours a week on our business, while maintaining off farm work.</p><p>As we fine tune the planting/harvesting cycles, this time will increase. &nbsp;However, with each season we improve the soil and rotate crops, therefore the development required for the soil is not steady, but will decrease. Breaking new ground and improving young fields is more labor intensive than maintaining improved fields.</p>



Required Resources

<p>We have sough counseling and training from Unlimited Future, Inc (a local business generator). We also interact with other producers to learn from them. I attend as many conferences and training programs as I am able to to learn about things that apply now and information we will need in the future.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>My husband and I invested the funds needed to start the business, and are now to the point we are supplementing the business only as needed. There is not profit at this time, but there is cash flow.</p>
Business Case

Business Entity Connections

Existing Business
Business Community Asset
Business Community Asset


Whitmore's BBQ

Casey Hoy's picture


About Whitmore's BBQ


Sandwiches Snack Packs Dinners