Financial Capital

Financial capital is the stock of unencumbered monetary assets invested in other
forms of capital or financial instruments. Financial capital, if well-managed, generates
monetary returns that can be used for further investment or consumption. For
example, financial capital can be invested in land protection through outright purchase
or purchase of easements. Public financial capital can be accumulated in a variety
of ways including building budget surpluses by collecting more in tax revenues
than is spent on services, borrowing through bonding, and charging fees for public
services over and above the real cost of services. “Rainy day funds” are an example
of public stewardship of financial capital, designed to help society weather risks and
uncertainties. In addition, through the growth of the nonprofit sector, private philanthropic
capital is often tapped for investment in other forms of capital that yield
public goods, for example, preventive health care programs to increase individual
capital. Stewardship of financial capital implies responsible investment to generate
added income as well as elimination of unnecessary cost or waste in providing public
goods and services. In creating wealth, we strive to invest financial capital in ways
that increase and improve the quality of the other six forms of wealth.
Financial capital – Money and other liquid financial assets (assets than can be
readily sold and converted to money), such as stocks, bonds, futures contracts,
and letters of credit, net of financial liabilities.

Pollinator Places

Brian Gwin's picture

We are offering locations to place hives from late fall to early spring. Our primary business is agricultural production, however we are exploring options to utilize marginal areas for ecosystems services. Some of these locations will be established in plants which provide extended and early season habitat and food sources for bees. Some of this habitat may also be pastures with clover species.

Uplift Nature Reserve (EB)

Local Food Systems's picture

Uplift Nature Reserve is a large nature park and a zoo, located on an artificial island next to the city of New Mombasa, Kenya, Earth.  It was funded by New Mombasa Uplift, the company responsible for managing the Mombasa Tether.  Apart from the Tsavo National Park, Uplift Nature Reserve was the largest wildlife reserve east of Nairobi, and one of the most renowned nature reserves in the world. Uplift Reserve, like all other parks in the city, was under jurisdiction of New Mombasa Parks and Recreation.

Supply Chain Category: 





  • Financial CapitalAccess to multiple forms of capltal
  • LivestockOther Livestock Production
  • Physical Capitalequipment


  • AgritourismEducational

Brain Tree

webadmin's picture

The Braintree Business Development Center is a regional entrepreneurial assistance organization that supports small business in Northeast Ohio. We focus on the industries of advanced manufacturing, alternative energy, information technology, bioscience, and agriculture/food processing.

Support Type: 


Support Organization Location: 

201 E 5th Street Mansfield, OH 44902

Oil Processing: Seed Production, Food Grade Oil, & Biofuel

dwightmitchell's picture

Our concept model for developing an oil seed processing to bio-fuels business will bring together participants through contract relationships, partnerships, and investment opportunities.

The oil seed processor is the centerpiece for this business model, and will

1. recruit and pay a premium price to growers who provide specific commodities that are grown using organic or best practice methods;

2. process the seed to food grade oil;

Camp Joseph Badger Meadows Agritourism

Steve Fortenberry's picture

Camp Joseph Badger Meadows (JBM) is a 235 acre church camp supported by 50+ churches of Eastminster Presbytery--a district of Presbyterian churches which includes churches in Akron, Barberton, Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Warren, Youngstown, and Lisbon. While JBM has, at this point, no separate legal standing apart from the Presbytery, the camp's budget, operations, and programming are the responsibility of the camp committee, consisting of an approximately equal number of clergy and lay persons from the presbytery.

Locavore's Prepared Foods

Carter McGary's picture

Thank you for the opportunity to share my idea with you!

As an entrepreneur and budding businessman, I'm hoping to combine my passions and strengths by starting a business that will make prepared meals (breakfasts, sack lunches, entrees and sides for dinner) that customers can take home and eat with their family (or in the case of breakfast/lunch perhaps take to work!) The large portion of each meal would be locally sourced and bent towards the healthy eater.


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