The 30 Mile Meal is a local food branding and promotional campaign that aims to provide a shared identity for the many farmers, specialty and value-added food producers, retail markets, food events and independently-owned eateries and bars featuring locally sourced menus in the area. The campaign will enable these stakeholders to leverage the growth of dozens of farm stands, farmers markets, farm-to-school programs and local food and urban farming initiatives in the area to build a local food economy united under the 30 Mile Meal brand.
The Ohio City Farm, has transformed nearly six acres behind CMHA’s Riverview Towers to create an cluster of urban farms. Partners: The Refugee Response, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Central Roots and CMHA Green Team. These groups grow and sell fresh produce at the Ohio City Farm Stand, we proudly accept EBT.
The Countryside Initiative farms are located in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and exist through a unique partnership with Countryside Conservancy and the National Park Service. Farmers sign a long term lease and farm sustainably within the National Park.
Context: What are your objectives, opportunities and challenges? an economic development tool for the City of Geneva to promote local wine, food and ancillary agricultural products -- the balance TBA Community Investment: How will you and your collaborators work together to retain wealth locally? What still needs to be done in this regard? tba Information: What information, communication plans and information technologies do you need to run your business? What is in place now and what do you still need? tba