The business I am planning is a custom grazing operation on leased land. My customers will be local dairy and beef producers. I will charge a monthly fee per head to graze replacement heifers, dry cows, and stockers year round. Land lease amounts will be established by Animal Units per acre. Sound sustainable holistic management practices will be used in all aspects of the business. The business will employ myself and two employees, who will provide the daily labor required to move cattle and track animal perfornance.
This is an early stage concept of developing an urban dairy heifer or jersey / beef cross nursery to post weaning unit in a vacant industrial facility. These animals would be targeted to populate expansion farms in NEO / W. PA. Urban jobs are a priority and many specialty crop and aquaculture projects are linking to workforce development and programs for troubled youth / adults. Why not livestock too?
Since 2002, Abbe and Anderson Turner's 14-acre Lucky Penny Farm in Garrettsville, Ohio has adhered to the highest sustainable agricultural practices in providing a home for Nubian, La Mancha and Alpine dairy goats. Using special blends of rich milk from select goat farms, we hand craft artisanal cheeses, yogurt, and confections. Smooth, creamy cheeses from Lucky Penny Creamery and goat-milk based confections from Lucky Penny Candy are sold across the Great Lakes Region at farmers markets, CSA’s, gourmet specialty stores and local and regional restaurants.