The main purpose of my business is to be able to supply new apiarists with quality bees, equipment, and knowledge to begin their own hives. I believe my work can be split up into thirds: pollination, propagation, and production. I provide pollination services to farmers in the area while at the same time building up the health and numbers of my bees to sell them. From the bees I create many products like honey and beeswax from which I make things such as lip balm, lotion, or candles.
Briefly describe your business including who will do what and how.
For example: (Name of principal developers) started (name of business) in (year). In (location) we saw an opportunity to (what your business does) by (Here's how we do it).
StrawVille- Utilizing Salvaged Materials for High Efficiency Greenhouses
Principal Developers- Brad Masi, Chris Fox, Chris Kious, Nick Swetye, Hank Haberman, Josh Kopen
What are your objectives, opportunities and challenges?