Natural Capital

Natural capital is the stock of unimpaired environmental assets (e.g. air, water,
land, flora, fauna, etc.) in a region. Natural capital is defined as having three major
components: 1) non-renewable resources such as oil and minerals that are extracted
from ecosystems, 2) renewable resources such as fish, wood, and drinking water
that are produced and maintained by the processes and functions of ecosystems, 3)
environmental services such as maintenance of the quality of the atmosphere, climate,
operation of the hydrological cycle including flood controls and drinking water
supply, waste assimilation, recycling of nutrients, generation of soils, pollination of
crops, and the maintenance of a vast genetic library. Investments in natural capital
include restoration and maintenance. Earnings or income includes a sustainable supply
of raw materials and environmental services. Natural capital and its systems are
essential for life. People can destroy, degrade, impair and/or restore natural capital
but cannot create it. per yellowwood

Pollinator Places

Brian Gwin's picture

We are offering locations to place hives from late fall to early spring. Our primary business is agricultural production, however we are exploring options to utilize marginal areas for ecosystems services. Some of these locations will be established in plants which provide extended and early season habitat and food sources for bees. Some of this habitat may also be pastures with clover species.

WayneOH Springville Trout

Local Food Systems's picture

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Kopar Honey Farm

Kopar's picture

The main purpose of my business is to be able to supply new apiarists with quality bees, equipment, and knowledge to begin their own hives.  I believe my work can be split up into thirds: pollination, propagation, and production.   I provide pollination services to farmers in the area while at the same time building up the health and numbers of my bees to sell them.  From the bees I create many products like honey and beeswax from which I make things such as lip balm, lotion, or candles.


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