
Kopar Honey Farm

Kopar's picture

The main purpose of my business is to be able to supply new apiarists with quality bees, equipment, and knowledge to begin their own hives.  I believe my work can be split up into thirds: pollination, propagation, and production.   I provide pollination services to farmers in the area while at the same time building up the health and numbers of my bees to sell them.  From the bees I create many products like honey and beeswax from which I make things such as lip balm, lotion, or candles.

ALE DC – the Agricultural Landscape and Ecosystem Design Collaborative

Casey Hoy's picture

We provide planning and design services for landowners seeking a sustainable  future for their farmland.  Using ecological principles for land management, social connection between the farm and surrounding communities, and enterprise diversity that connects the two, we balance social, economic and environmental dimensions of farm sustainability.  We specialize in GIS analysis of these multiple dimensions of agriculture to lay out possibilities for farmland and its connections with the surrounding landscape and communities that would improve agroecosystem health.  Service

Developing a custom grazing operation on leased land

parafarmer's picture

The business I am planning is a custom grazing operation on leased land. My customers will be local dairy and beef producers. I will charge a monthly fee per head to graze replacement heifers, dry cows, and stockers year round. Land lease amounts will be established by Animal Units per acre. Sound sustainable holistic management practices will be used in all aspects of the business. The business will employ myself and two employees, who will provide the daily labor required to move cattle and track animal perfornance.

WayneOH Urban Calf

Brian Gwin's picture

This is an early stage concept of developing an urban dairy heifer or jersey / beef cross nursery to post weaning unit in a vacant industrial facility. These animals would be targeted to populate expansion farms in NEO / W. PA. Urban jobs are a priority and many specialty crop and aquaculture projects are linking to workforce development and programs for troubled youth / adults. Why not livestock too?

On Point Hydroponics Greenhouse Project summury

On Point Hydroponics's picture

On Point Hydroponics will provide organic produce to Columbus Ohio. We plan to construct a 7,000 sq ft greenhouse within Franklin County. Our greenhouse will include hydroponic systems that we currently sell at our site We intend to grow hardy vegetables including micro greens and herbs. Some of our crops will be specialty crops that are harder to find year round. Our produce will be certified organic and will be sold here in Columbus Ohio.

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