
Carriage House Farm

RStewart's picture

We are an existing Ohio Century Farm in Hamilton County, west of Cincinnati that is quickly expanding, moving from conventional crops to horse boarding, vegetable production, small grains, and honey production.

Ohio City Farm and Farm Stand

Margaret Fitzpatrick's picture

The Ohio City Farm, has transformed nearly six acres behind CMHA’s Riverview Towers to create an cluster of urban farms. Partners: The Refugee Response, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Central Roots and CMHA Green Team. These groups grow and sell fresh produce at the Ohio City Farm Stand, we proudly accept EBT.

WayneOH Urban Calf

Brian Gwin's picture

This is an early stage concept of developing an urban dairy heifer or jersey / beef cross nursery to post weaning unit in a vacant industrial facility. These animals would be targeted to populate expansion farms in NEO / W. PA. Urban jobs are a priority and many specialty crop and aquaculture projects are linking to workforce development and programs for troubled youth / adults. Why not livestock too?

Black River Organics

Chester Bowling's picture

Context: What are your objectives, opportunities and challenges?
My objective is to grow and sell high quality fruits and vegetables while making money.
Focus: What specific customers and customer needs are you focused on?
The need is the demand for fresh local organic fruits and vegetables.
Deliverables: What will you deliver to customers and what is critical to your ability to deliver?
High quality local organic fruit and vegetables. Customers will have benefit through health.

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